
WPC Member

Join WPC Membership

Womanpreneur Community, founded in 2010, is a platform where women can learn, initiate, and develop businesses into high-quality sustainable SMEs.


1. As proof of active membership

2. Joining a community of women and businesses that continuously provide business coaching to members through various activities both online and offline.

3. Eligibility to participate in the ONLINE TRAINING

4. Access to special facilities in every community-organized program

5. Being part of a community network with tens of thousands of women to SHARE, LEARN, and NETWORK to enhance your business strength.

6. Your business data updated in the business directory of the WPC website: as an branding and business promotion.

7. Early information on various WPC activities, both paid and FREE activities.

8. Special pricing for participating in paid programs organized by WPC.
9. Access to various business training at affordable costs because our commitment is to serve as a learning and sharing platform.

10. Receiving 1 link to create a digital catalog account as your marketing tool (FREE)

11. Receiving business logo design facilitation (FREE)

12 mendapatkan fasilitasu design kemasan ( GRATIS )
12. Receiving packaging design facilitation (FREE)

13. Product quality control (QC) facilitation to expand marketing networks facilitated by WPC.

14. Special facilities during every paid program organized by WPC.

15. Enjoying special facilities organized by WPC partners.

16. Opportunities to collaborate with thousands of members across Indonesia and internationally

17. Opportunities to find business partners

Membership Terms and Conditions:

1. Fill out the registration form online here.

2. Membership card validity is 1 year.

3. Pay a membership fee of Rp 360.000,-/year


To continue enjoying various benefits and special member facilities, membership card renewal can be done by paying the membership renewal fee.

May this gathering place for great and beautiful women become even more beneficial.

Irma Sustika


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