One Million Women with Economic Empowerment -2020

Good morning, Indonesia, and welcome to a new chapter in 2017.

As we begin this new chapter in 2017, we also mark the start of the 7th year of WPC, a community founded and built by Irma Sustika, a mother who once faced the hardships of life and saw many women around her who were not yet empowered over their own lives and economies.

Women are the backbone of family economies, and they serve as lifeboats for the family's mother ship. Over the past 6 years, our community has focused on developing women's potential, encouraging them to step forward as entrepreneurs, becoming Resilient, Creative, Innovative, Productive businesswomen who are beneficial to others.

Indonesian women play a significant role and have a substantial involvement in fostering the development of the community's economy. However, at the same time, Indonesian women still face many obstacles in building a strong foundation in education, health, and the environment.

How can we promote healthy families if the source of income is not healthy?

Therefore, through Karya Perempuan Indonesia - Womenpreneur Community, we strive to promote women’s economic empowerment to enhance the economic capacity and capability of Indonesian women through the movement of ONE MILLION WOMEN EMPOWERED ECONOMICALLY.

This movement was launched on December 16th, 2016.

As a non-profit organization with a five-year plan aimed at raising the profile of Indonesian women, Karya Perempuan Indonesia – Womanpreneur Community focuses on empowering women in the fields of Economic and Technological Empowerment, Environment, Health, Education, and Maternal Health.

VISION Becoming the leading Women's Entrepreneurship Community in Indonesia in developing women's potential so that they can create, achieve economic empowerment, focus on business ethics, and contribute positively to society and the environment.

MISSION Empowering 1 million economically empowered women by 2020 through the Women Empowering Women program.

What can we do together?

As a support system for women, focusing on providing guidance, training, and mentorship in their entrepreneurial development, we have nurtured and grown 500+ women entrepreneurs through our business incubator program, which has been running for 8 cohorts since 2013, and reached thousands of other women through our regular programs.

1 Million Economically Empowered Women: Who is the target?

In addition to promoting the creation of more women entrepreneurs, Karya Perempuan Indonesia- Womanpreneur Community aims to economically empower all women.

When a woman is economically empowered, she can support her family's economy.
When a woman empowers other women, she supports the movement of the community's economy.
Not all women need to become entrepreneurs or businesswomen, but all Indonesian women MUST BE ECONOMICALLY EMPOWERED.
Our Targets

Encourage the emergence of new female entrepreneurs.
Develop female SMEs to advance and become sustainable businesses.
Support marginalized women to achieve economic empowerment.
Support women with disabilities to empower themselves and achieve economic independence.
Support single mothers facing economic challenges.
Support young generation
Support young housewives to enhance their family's economic strength.
This program is implemented by providing practical training and mentoring for women at various stages of entrepreneurship to support development in the fields of economics, technology, and leadership.

What is Karya Perempuan Indonesia- Womanpreneur Community doing to achieve 1 million economically empowered women by 2020?

Karya Perempuan Indonesia - Womanpreneur Community believes that communities can be self-sufficient and grow by strengthening one another. We are convinced that the economic independence and empowerment of a community are determined by the women within it.

Therefore, the program takes a holistic approach:

1. We provide the tools and teach how to use them, instead of giving money or goods.

Equipping women who have a strong spirit of sharing and high initiative for change, and who can become inspirations, motivators, and agents of change.

Walking together.
Working closely with various stakeholders as direct partners, business actors, corporate brands, and the government.

Focusing on changing attitudes.
Who can be part of the growth and acceleration of 1 million Economically Empowered Women?

This major task certainly requires support from many parties. We invite friends to become part of the movement for 1 million economically empowered women by 2020, to open their hearts for the economic growth of women, and to improve the living standards of many Indonesian women.

Whoever you are, we invite various parties to join hands and step forward together to create a social impact for the growth of the community's economy.

Join Us as an Economically Empowered Women Volunteer!

Have you wholeheartedly (without any expectation of economic reward) made a positive contribution to your community or environment?

You don't have to do something big; even doing small things consistently is more than enough. After all, big things always start from small actions, right?

If you regularly donate blood every three months through PMI, you can be called a volunteer! If you consistently sort plastic waste, turn it into useful items, and even teach others to do the same, you are a volunteer! If you take time out of your busy schedule to do something for those in need, you are also a volunteer!

With whatever we have: time, resources, skills, interests, and strong motivation… Let's become volunteers… and spread our positive energy and spirit to the community and the environment around us.

How to sign up? By joining as a member of Karya Perempuan Indonesia - Womanpreneur Community, you are also supporting the growth of 1 Million Economically Empowered Women, and you can become a volunteer to mentor other women.

As a member of Karya Perempuan Indonesia - Womanpreneur Community, you also receive regular business development guidance that we provide across various regions in Indonesia.

The alumni of the Womanpreneur Community business incubator, currently numbering more than 500 women, can provide practical training in their respective business fields. The IWPC business incubator alumni who run culinary businesses can offer practical training in making snacks and other culinary options. Those engaged in skills, fashion, etc., can provide guidance in their respective business areas.

What is the impact? It can undoubtedly lead to more women gaining economic skills. With the practical training received, they can take small steps to increase their family income.

What is the impact on the business incubator alumni who provide training?

By offering guidance in their business field, the women they train can help grow their businesses, become part of the production team, or join the sales team
Creating socially impactful businesses, not just profit-driven entrepreneurs.
Through the series of activities for #1Millioneconomicallyempoweredwomen, Karya Perempuan Indonesia - Womanpreneur Community continues to strive for the sustainable improvement of the quality of life for women and children in Indonesia. This is our contribution, as we believe that the quality of women's lives determines the quality of future generations.

Have you joined as a member of Karya Perempuan Indonesia - Womanpreneur Community? You can fill out the registration form here. disini

Come join us as a Volunteer!





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